The Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is devoted to the worship of the Sun. It is generally done at the beginning of any yoga Practice and acts as a great body warming flow. Suryanamaskar is a combined process of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama & Dhyana. When the focus is on the alignment of the body, it is flow of 12 Asanas.
The Pavamuktasana Series 3. is a slightly advanced practice, This series is also called the ‘Energy Block Group of Postures known as Shakti Bandha Asanas. it will help to remove the blockages and facilitate free flow of energy.
Pavanmuktasana Series 2 is targeted towards the digestive system and will help people suffering from digestive disorders like excess of wind or gas, acidity , indigestion, constipation, IBS and many other conditions.
If you have never done Yoga before, follow along the Pawanmuktasana Series 1 for Strength Flexibility and Healthy Joints. It is a great program for beginners and is easy to perform regardless of your physical condition or level of experience.